Proposed (0)
| Port Mackenzie Roud Route |
| Proposed Pipeline |
Susitna Vegetation (1)
| <all other values> |
| Alder |
| Alder-Willow (Stream Side) |
| Black Spruce - Short Stands, Less 15' |
| Black Spruce - Short Stands, Less 30' |
| Black Spruce - Tall Stands, Greater 30' |
| Cottonwood - Medium Age, 40-100 Years |
| Cultural Influence |
| Grassland |
| Grasslands |
| Lakes, 10-40 Acres |
| Lakes, Greater 40 Acres |
| Low Shrubs |
| Mud Flats |
| Paper Birch and White Spruce Mixture - Old Age, Greater 80 Years |
| Paper Birch, Aspen. White Spruce, Black Spruce Mixture-Old Age. Greater 80 Years |
| Paper Birch, Aspen. White and Black Spruce Mixture-Medium, 40-80 Years |
| Rivers, Greater 1/8 Mile Wide (660') |
| Sedge - Grass |
| Sphagnum - Shrub Bog |
| Sphagnum Bog |
| Tidal Marsh |
| Unknown |
| White Spruce - Tall Stands, Greater 30' |
| Willow - Resin Birch |