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Item Information

snippet: The department, federal agencies, and nongovernment organizations operate counting projects to count the numbers of migrating fish (primarily salmon), using weirs, sonars and counting towers in a number of streams throughout Alaska. This tool is used by the various fisheries divisions for a variety of management objectives. This website has compiled counts from a number of different sources to provide inseason and historical data. This site does not include all of the sites in the state, only those for which inseason data is readily accessible. All counts for the current year are considered preliminary data and subject to change.
summary: The department, federal agencies, and nongovernment organizations operate counting projects to count the numbers of migrating fish (primarily salmon), using weirs, sonars and counting towers in a number of streams throughout Alaska. This tool is used by the various fisheries divisions for a variety of management objectives. This website has compiled counts from a number of different sources to provide inseason and historical data. This site does not include all of the sites in the state, only those for which inseason data is readily accessible. All counts for the current year are considered preliminary data and subject to change.
extent: [[-162.860282722345,55.3437640826715],[-131.645305572001,64.8654729210932]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
title: ADF_G Fish Counters
type: Map Service
tags: ["Alaska","fiah and Game","fish","count"]
culture: en-US
name: ADF_G_Fish_Counters
guid: F0893D43-17D3-466A-97DE-6CE0B40796FA
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere