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snippet: General home range of various marine mammal species in Alaska. (last updated 2010)
summary: General home range of various marine mammal species in Alaska. (last updated 2010)
extent: [[-180,15.0283082275162],[180,90]]
accessInformation: ADFG
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: General home range polygons for various marine mammal species in Alaska (not complete). Most are estimated range based on written descriptions in various reports and books, and at a scale of about 1:25,000,000. To be used as general reference only. Not compatible for GPS or other location services.
title: Marine Mammals of Alaska - General Home Range
type: Map Service
tags: ["Alaska","Alaska Albers","Marine Mammal","Homerange","Bearded Seal","Harbor Seal","Northern Pacific Right Whale","Pacific Walrus","Polar Bear","Ringed Seal","Sea Otter","Steller Sea Lion"]
culture: en-US
name: AllMarineMammals
guid: 972D0C7B-2D6C-4290-80D2-32636EAD86CC
spatialReference: NAD_1983_Alaska_Albers