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snippet: NOAA RNC Charts, projected into Alaska Albers
summary: NOAA RNC Charts, projected into Alaska Albers
extent: [[-180,44.5824570792648],[180,74.7244932604782]]
accessInformation: NOAA, ADFG
thumbnail: thumbnail/{DBFCF33B-BABC-402B-AC62-9A4EFC708911}.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: NOAA RNC Charts, projected into Alaska Albers and cached by Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Becuase this is cached from a service, it can not be updated. The NOAA_RNC MapService provides a seamless collarless mosaic of the NOAA Raster Nautical Charts. Non-cached link to more up-to-date source This map service is not to be used for navigation.
licenseInfo: This map service is not to be used for navigation.
title: NOAA Charts in Alaska Albers (from NOAA RNC)
type: Map Service
url: https://dfgjnugis1p.dfg.alaska.local:6443/arcgis/services/dfg_public/NOAAChartsRNC/MapServer
tags: ["NOAA RNC","navigational charts","Alaska","ADFG","Alaska Albers"]
culture: en-US
name: NOAAChartsRNC
guid: 998EC954-4F8F-4078-AF1F-FF8B1F795CEF
spatialReference: NAD_1983_Alaska_Albers