Description: This metadata report applies to the 2001 ADF&G Groundfish Statistical Areas. Statistical areas are polygons that divide the waters of the State of Alaska and the adjacent Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) into small units for the purpose of reporting and analyzing fishery harvest. Each statistical area is identified by a unique 6-digit number. Groundfish statistical areas are based on a grid that measures one-half degree latitude by one degree of longitude and can be divided by lines defined in ADF&G regulations, and further subdivided based on prominent landmarks or points of land. All lines are referenced to the NAD83 datum. This revised version of the groundfish statistical areas became effective January 1, 2001. Many statistical areas were changed or subdivided to better match state and federal fishery areas. In these cases, the previous statistical area codes were retired and the revised statistical areas were assigned new numbers. If you need to compare to retired statistical areas, you will need to refer to previous versions of the groundfish statistical areas. This project received funding under award NA15NMF4270272 from NOAA Fisheries Service, in cooperation with the Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA FisheriesTHE STATE OF ALASKA, DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME, MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS) WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY, CHARACTER, FUNCTION, OR CAPABILITIES OF THE DATA, SERVICES, OR PRODUCTS OR THEIR APPROPRIATENESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The Department of Fish and Game is not liable for any direct, incidental, indirect, special, compensatory, consequential or other damages suffered by the user or any other person or entity from the use of or failure of the data, services, or products even if the Department of Fish and Game has been advised of the possibility of such potential loss or damage. The entire risk as to the results of the use of the data, services, or products is assumed by the user.Data may be subject to periodic change without prior notification. To ensure receipt of the most current information, please refer requests to the ADF&G Open Data website. Users may not reproduce or distribute these data without explicit consent of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.These data are provided for general visual reference and to aid users in generating various natural resource analyses and products. There are no constraints to accessing these data, other than the limitations or constraints associated with a specific dataset or set forth herein. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data.Any hardcopy or electronic products utilizing these data shall clearly indicate their source. If the user has modified the data in any way, the user must describe the modifications they have performed. The user agrees not to misrepresent these data, nor to imply that the Alaska Department of Fish and Game approved any changes they made.
Service Item Id: a9b23952fd214d6e9c4156c4cc24b2f3
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Commercial Fisheries Division