{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "ASFS_v", "guid": "60CDC005-D0D5-4D28-B1C7-13A051990F9E", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "
Since 1977, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has conducted an annual mail survey to estimate sport fishing participation <\/SPAN><\/P> (number of anglers, days fished) and harvests (fish kept) statewide by Alaska fisheries, areas, regions, and species. Since 1990, <\/SPAN><\/P> catches (fish harvested plus fish released) have also been estimated. Surveys estimate number of anglers fishing in Alaska, days <\/SPAN><\/P> fished, and numbers of fish caught and kept by species, water type and fishing location. For estimates prior to 1996, please refer to the <\/SPAN>historic publications.<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P> <\/P> Questionnaires are mailed to a stratified random sample of households having at least one person with a current Alaska sport fishing license <\/SPAN><\/P> (any type). Reminder letters and questionnaires are mailed to first-time and second-time non-respondents in the Resident and Nonresident Early <\/SPAN><\/P> strata and to first-time non-respondents in the Nonresident Late stratum. Data from returned questionnaires is coded, captured, verified, <\/SPAN><\/P> edited, and processed to produce estimates to update an established database of sport fishing participation, catch, and harvest estimates. <\/SPAN><\/P> A computer-based processing, storage, and retrieval system for all completed surveys and associated data will be maintained and updated.<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"description": "",
"summary": " Since 1977, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has conducted an annual mail survey to estimate sport fishing participation <\/SPAN><\/P> (number of anglers, days fished) and harvests (fish kept) statewide by Alaska fisheries, areas, regions, and species. Since 1990, <\/SPAN><\/P> catches (fish harvested plus fish released) have also been estimated. Surveys estimate number of anglers fishing in Alaska, days <\/SPAN><\/P> fished, and numbers of fish caught and kept by species, water type and fishing location. For estimates prior to 1996, please refer to the <\/SPAN>historic publications.<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P> <\/P> Questionnaires are mailed to a stratified random sample of households having at least one person with a current Alaska sport fishing license <\/SPAN><\/P> (any type). Reminder letters and questionnaires are mailed to first-time and second-time non-respondents in the Resident and Nonresident Early <\/SPAN><\/P> strata and to first-time non-respondents in the Nonresident Late stratum. Data from returned questionnaires is coded, captured, verified, <\/SPAN><\/P> edited, and processed to produce estimates to update an established database of sport fishing participation, catch, and harvest estimates. <\/SPAN><\/P> A computer-based processing, storage, and retrieval system for all completed surveys and associated data will be maintained and updated.<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"title": "ASFS_v",
"tags": [
"sport fish"
"type": "Map Service",
"typeKeywords": [
"Map Service",
"ArcGIS Server"
"thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png",
"url": "",
"extent": [
"minScale": 0,
"maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308,
"spatialReference": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere",
"accessInformation": "",
"licenseInfo": ""